One More Thought

I’ll follow up on this with more detail later, but for now, let me just say that UFO/UAPs, Bigfoot, Shadow People, etc. are not real – until they are. Reality is not a set physical construction. That’s an illusion. In truth, reality is formed by consciousness, and a collective consciousness creates a more “solid”-appearing reality. The larger the collective, the more “real” it seems. This is the reality the vast majority knows. But at the edges – the fringe, if you will – reality begins to break down and become more fluid. This is where the strange things appear and disappear, fading in and out of our “solid” reality like the phantoms that they are. This is why many UFO/UAPs are described as fading in and out of our visible light spectrum, and why there are videos of what appear to be Bigfoot (Bigfeet?) seeming to fade up out of the ground (Did anyone else see that episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” on Netflix – Volume 3, ‘Paranormal Rangers’?). As more people become conscious of the UAP phenomenon, we start seeing more of them appearing in the general “reality” – they move from the fringe into the collective as more people experience them. It’s the Noosphere phenomenon. Here’s a video describing the works of renown French scientist Jacques Vallée on these subjects:

Published by pookabazooka

I am an ape living abroad, writing to stay focused and to remember the things I think about. I post them here in case you'd like to spend a bit of time thinking about them, too.

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