Well, Off I Go… Apparently

If you’ve ever read any of this blog, you know that I am a scatterbrained idiot with an inability to focus – and yet, there is a hard central ideology to my writing. That ideology is about to kill me. This post will attempt to answer the questions Why? and How?

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A Little Perspective (a brief post)

Our reality is an accident of physics and only appears to exist from the perspective of energy reflecting itself to create a sort of paradoxical hologram. Furthermore, time is a product of the illusion and is only perceivable to the energy trapped within the hologram. What appears to our perceived consciousness as billions of years is really only a flash of an instant, and these flashes are happening everywhere throughout the infinite sea of energy that we can only conceive of as “the universe” from our current perspective. We are just a bubble in the quantum foam. Sleep tight, Timmy!

What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World

Enough about ghosts and The Phenomenon for now. Let’s talk about the Israeli elephant in the room. The whole world is crying out for justice, for Netanyahu to be removed from power, and for the women and children of Palestine to be saved. Yet the Powers that Be are once again ignoring the pleas of the people. So what now?

Continue reading “What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World”

Stay Distracted (This is Why They Don’t Tell You About the ‘Aliens’)

This piece is a work in progress. It will be a lengthy post that will take on the form of a confession, and an admission of defeat. I have some explaining to do. This is what I have so far – an introduction.

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War Is Over

A friend of mine texted me tonight and said that she feels like she has gone crazy as she tries to explain to the people around her that the U.S. isn’t a functioning democracy anymore, and that mass graves in Gaza full of corpses with their hands zip-tied is something the people of the world should be standing up against. I had to deliver the bad news.

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Just a Thought

A friend posted this incredible photo of this week’s solar eclipse over North America. The picture got me to thinkin’ (which, as you know, is never good). A lot of the Bible-thumping evangelidiots in the USA were screaming that this eclipse was a sign of the End of Days and the return of Jesus.

At least 8 photos overlapping here, but you get the idea

Here’s the thing: They kept quoting Revelations, saying Jesus would return on a white horse, and that he would be wearing “many crowns.” Now look at this pic – if you squint and use a little imagination, doesn’t the corona around the eclipse look a bit like a white horse rearing up? And look at all the many little coronas (‘corona’ means “crown” in Latin) around the edge – the “son” / sun wearing many crowns on a white horse. Prophecy fulfilled!

Nothing is Going to Happen

Yesterday was the oh-so-meaningful solar eclipse. All of the doom-scryers were out on social media in the weeks and months before, predicting all sorts of Biblical calamity. So — did World War III start? Did the Yellowstone caldera explode? Was anyone raptured away? No. Of course not. And I’ll tell you why.

Continue reading “Nothing is Going to Happen”

Space Demon to Devour Sun on April 8th!

Good lord, I haven’t seen so much doom-scrying since the 2012 Mayan Calendar scare, or even the Y2k terror. Why are people (and by “people” I am mainly referring to Americans) so fuckin’ stupid? Read on to explore the possibilities.

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One More Thought

I’ll follow up on this with more detail later, but for now, let me just say that UFO/UAPs, Bigfoot, Shadow People, etc. are not real – until they are. Reality is not a set physical construction. That’s an illusion. In truth, reality is formed by consciousness, and a collective consciousness creates a more “solid”-appearing reality. The larger the collective, the more “real” it seems. This is the reality the vast majority knows. But at the edges – the fringe, if you will – reality begins to break down and become more fluid. This is where the strange things appear and disappear, fading in and out of our “solid” reality like the phantoms that they are. This is why many UFO/UAPs are described as fading in and out of our visible light spectrum, and why there are videos of what appear to be Bigfoot (Bigfeet?) seeming to fade up out of the ground (Did anyone else see that episode of “Unsolved Mysteries” on Netflix – Volume 3, ‘Paranormal Rangers’?). As more people become conscious of the UAP phenomenon, we start seeing more of them appearing in the general “reality” – they move from the fringe into the collective as more people experience them. It’s the Noosphere phenomenon. Here’s a video describing the works of renown French scientist Jacques Vallée on these subjects: