Unpopular Opinion – a brief post

If I may play Devil’s Advocate here, allow me to slop a pearl: Young people should vote for Donald Trump. Now, before you jump down my throat, let me clarify that yes, I hate him, too. And I hate to hate. But right now, our worst option is our best option. Let me explain:

Trump is the worst sort of political creature, only interested in gratifying his own needs no matter the cost to others or the world as a whole. But here’s the logic behind why we should just swallow this jagged pill: The American system is corrupt. The corruption is so deeply rooted now that it is painfully obvious the old-timey cure-all – VOTING – no longer works. Look at the shitty fake choice we are given. “Lesser of two evils,” my ass! Every election cycle, the evil just gets worse and more entrenched.

I think there is only one thing that both sides of the political divide will agree on, and that is that our government no longer serves the people. We no longer have the promised “government by the people, of the people, and for the people” that we all should have cherished so much more than we did. We allowed in the cancer of corruption. We allowed the worst of us to rise up and take control. And now, we can’t fix it. We’ve been trying for fifty years, and it has only gotten worse. So, it’s time to tear it down and rebuild. And here is where a vote for Trump comes in.

If Trump takes the White House (and I have the feeling that this is what is scripted in our political ThunderDome reality game show), the system will most assuredly collapse. The United States cannot and will not survive another Trump presidency. And this is the plan – destroy the system and build something new. Now, the Powers That Be (the corrupted ones) would have that ‘something new’ be a totally authoritarian, fascist regime that would blow the Third Reich out of the historical waters. However, they still haven’t worked out who would really get to be in charge. Trump is too far gone mentally – the dementia is strong with that one. As a result, there will be a hotly contested Führer Furor behind the throne.

BUT – During this chaotic transformation, the collapse will also provide a brief window in which something else can rise from the ashes like the fabled phoenix that Benjamin Franklin wanted as the symbol of our nation (he settled for the eagle because everyone thought the long-necked phoenix looked more like a turkey). The rebuilding will be violent, it will be ugly, it will be horrible, but at this point it will be necessary. As I saw on a sticker someone gave me at my first Grateful Dead concert back in 1990: “Something new is waiting to be born.”

It’s the only way to rebuild what America once was, before the Business Plot of 1933, before the Kennedy Assassinations, before Reagan, before the Dark Times. This will be your one shot. Take the shot.

Published by pookabazooka

I am an ape living abroad, writing to stay focused and to remember the things I think about. I post them here in case you'd like to spend a bit of time thinking about them, too.

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