Unpopular Opinion – a brief post

If I may play Devil’s Advocate here, allow me to slop a pearl: Young people should vote for Donald Trump. Now, before you jump down my throat, let me clarify that yes, I hate him, too. And I hate to hate. But right now, our worst option is our best option. Let me explain:

Well, Off I Go… Apparently

If you’ve ever read any of this blog, you know that I am a scatterbrained idiot with an inability to focus – and yet, there is a hard central ideology to my writing. That ideology is about to kill me. This post will attempt to answer the questions Why? and How?

A Little Perspective (a brief post)

Our reality is an accident of physics and only appears to exist from the perspective of energy reflecting itself to create a sort of paradoxical hologram. Furthermore, time is a product of the illusion and is only perceivable to the energy trapped within the hologram. What appears to our perceived consciousness as billions of yearsContinue reading “A Little Perspective (a brief post)”

What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World

Enough about ghosts and The Phenomenon for now. Let’s talk about the Israeli elephant in the room. The whole world is crying out for justice, for Netanyahu to be removed from power, and for the women and children of Palestine to be saved. Yet the Powers that Be are once again ignoring the pleas ofContinue reading “What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World”

Stay Distracted (This is Why They Don’t Tell You About the ‘Aliens’)

This piece is a work in progress. It will be a lengthy post that will take on the form of a confession, and an admission of defeat. I have some explaining to do. This is what I have so far – an introduction.

War Is Over

A friend of mine texted me tonight and said that she feels like she has gone crazy as she tries to explain to the people around her that the U.S. isn’t a functioning democracy anymore, and that mass graves in Gaza full of corpses with their hands zip-tied is something the people of the worldContinue reading “War Is Over”

Nothing is Going to Happen

Yesterday was the oh-so-meaningful solar eclipse. All of the doom-scryers were out on social media in the weeks and months before, predicting all sorts of Biblical calamity. So — did World War III start? Did the Yellowstone caldera explode? Was anyone raptured away? No. Of course not. And I’ll tell you why.