War Is Over

A friend of mine texted me tonight and said that she feels like she has gone crazy as she tries to explain to the people around her that the U.S. isn’t a functioning democracy anymore, and that mass graves in Gaza full of corpses with their hands zip-tied is something the people of the worldContinue reading “War Is Over”

Space Demon to Devour Sun on April 8th!

Good lord, I haven’t seen so much doom-scrying since the 2012 Mayan Calendar scare, or even the Y2k terror. Why are people (and by “people” I am mainly referring to Americans) so fuckin’ stupid? Read on to explore the possibilities.

The Pit and the Pendulum: The Very Real Threat

  Alright, fun’s been had. Food was eaten. Gifts were exchanged. Booze was drunk and weed was smoked. A new year is dawning, and now we need to get down to brass tacks. This is a warning and a call to action. (No, seriously.)