Space Demon to Devour Sun on April 8th!

Good lord, I haven’t seen so much doom-scrying since the 2012 Mayan Calendar scare, or even the Y2k terror. Why are people (and by “people” I am mainly referring to Americans) so fuckin’ stupid? Read on to explore the possibilities.

Evangelicals Rewrite Christianity

In 325 AD, Roman Emperor Constantine rewrote Christianity to make it more palatable to the Pagans that dominated Rome at the time. Referred to today as the Council of Nicea, it created modern Christianity as we know it. However, as humanity moves forward and even the most dogged dogma is left by the wayside, right-wingContinue reading “Evangelicals Rewrite Christianity”

The Pit and the Pendulum: The Very Real Threat

  Alright, fun’s been had. Food was eaten. Gifts were exchanged. Booze was drunk and weed was smoked. A new year is dawning, and now we need to get down to brass tacks. This is a warning and a call to action. (No, seriously.)

A World of Frequencies

  This is what this blog is for. I recall, when I started it, I promised I would explain the ever-puzzling ‘Meaning o’ Life.’ And I did that at some point, way back when… you’ll just have to dig around in the back stacks for it. For now, here is some more Truth (as definedContinue reading “A World of Frequencies”

Many Appy-Polly-Loggies

I would just like to take this moment to apologize to my readers (all 42 of you. You give me yet another reason to love Douglas Adams’s favorite number). I apologize for being so fly-off-the-handle political on this blog, and will strive to do better. I think I have come to a resolution for myContinue reading “Many Appy-Polly-Loggies”

Religion and Selective Evolution

Religion and evolution! Here are two topics that go well together. Let me kick these two turds around for a bit and let’s see what we come up with. This is a free-thought post meant to be a humorous consideration of how science is affecting our spiritual development. It’s what’s keeping me from sleep tonight.