Unpopular Opinion – a brief post

If I may play Devil’s Advocate here, allow me to slop a pearl: Young people should vote for Donald Trump. Now, before you jump down my throat, let me clarify that yes, I hate him, too. And I hate to hate. But right now, our worst option is our best option. Let me explain:

What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World

Enough about ghosts and The Phenomenon for now. Let’s talk about the Israeli elephant in the room. The whole world is crying out for justice, for Netanyahu to be removed from power, and for the women and children of Palestine to be saved. Yet the Powers that Be are once again ignoring the pleas ofContinue reading “What IS Happening? The US, Israel, and the World”

Fascism Will Come to America (it’s already here, it’s just waiting)

This started as a post on Facebook, but as I was writing it, the website got all twitchy, and my post was deleted before I could even finish writing it. This makes me think I was on a roll that they didn’t like. Let’s see how WordPress handles it. So, here’s the truth:

The Evangelical Doomsday Cult Behind the GOP

The ugly turn politics has taken in recent years in the U.S. is disheartening for most, but while most people just think of it as “crazy,” if you dig a little deeper, you will see a method to the madness. And that method is seriously intended to bring about the End of Days.

My Wacky JFK Conspiracy Theory

Nobody seemed to particularly enjoy my previous “absurdist humor” post, so today I thought I would wade back into my favorite topic, Conspiracy Theory. What brought this on? I received a text from my sister that said, “X wants to know who you think killed Kennedy,” where X = my nephew. So here we go.

Q Anon and the “Gathering Storm” Conspiracy Thread

I remember when Q used to just harass the crew of the Starship Enterprise… This whole “Q Anon/The Storm” plot is ridiculous. What is “Q”? Q’s followers say he is either one person or a group of people deep inside an “alliance” involving the U.S. military and the NSA dropping clues to an impending take-downContinue reading “Q Anon and the “Gathering Storm” Conspiracy Thread”